VSR440 Single-screw Vertical Mixer
Maximize the value of your high-roughage ration with the Vermeer VSR440 single-screw vertical mixer. Get ample processing power with virtually no spillage from the combination of durable, reliable, essential features and a low-maintenance, high-performing design for full-time or seasonal use.
• Processing ability: Achieve a thorough and consistently mixed ration with the VSR440 single-screw vertical mixer. Built to handle high-roughage rations, this mixer can process full bales or preprocessed material in a timely and flexible manner.
• Bale containment: Less feed on the ground means less feed wasted. An optimized tub and screw design along with a bale containment kit minimize spillage during mixing or processing.
• Containment kit: Help keep more roughage in the tub of the mixer and less on the ground with the standard bale containment kit. A chain hay ring around the rim of the tub helps to minimize spillage while still allowing operators the room they need to add feed ingredients to the tub.
• Large tires: Focus on feeding — not getting your mixer stuck in adverse ground conditions. The tires on the VSR440 single-screw vertical mixer provide maximized flotation to help prevent ground damage.
• Durable design: Extend machine life and minimize routine maintenance with durable components such as a heavy-duty planetary and 1/2-in (1.3-cm) AR200 screw flighting.
• Optional high-screw rpm: Empty the mixer quickly and efficiently at the end of a load with optional high-screw rpm. A 48-rpm screw, along with two points of contact with the tub floor helps clean out the tub to make sure the ration gets in the bunk or on the curb — not left in the tub.