504 Pro G3 Baler
Oncoming rain clouds can ruin a hay producer’s day. That’s one reason why silage is quickly becoming a preferable option for producers everywhere who are tired of waiting on good weather and want high-quality forage for their cattle. According to Michigan State University Extension, silage harvested within five days of the optimal time has a feed quality advantage of $26.46 per ton over dry hay*. For some producers, that’s reason enough to make the switch.
The Vermeer Generation 3 Pro balers were specially designed and built from the ground up in Pella, Iowa, to handle the rigors of baling wet, heavy crops — combining strength and smart features while still giving operators the versatility of having a baler that can bale dry hay.
• 17-knife chopping system: Whether the hay is wet or dry, it’s of no use to producers when it ends up somewhere other than a cow’s mouth. The 17-knife chopping system precuts the crop, helping to minimize feed loss by giving cows smaller bites of hay to fit the size of their mouths. Pre-cut bales can also help decrease mixing time in mixers or feed grinders. Operators can select if they want to use 0, 8, 9 or 17 knives from the Atlas Pro™ control system in the cab for optimized bale density, fermentation, silage quality and digestibility.
• Atlas Pro control system: The Atlas Pro™ control system helps to control the outcome of the bale from the convenience of the cab. Monitor bale shape and adjust density based on moisture, crop and customer preference for up to 50 fields. The scale kit provides real-time data to operators who need to know their bale weight for storage, to sell their hay or know if they have enough hay for their livestock.
• Netwrap system: Spread net edge-to-edge with the latest netwrap system located in the back of the machine for operator convenience. Operators can monitor and adjust netwrap tension from the cab on a scale of 0 to 100 to maximize spread over the edges, depending on the type of netwrap. With the net gauge that works similarly to a gas gauge, the Atlas Pro control system helps operators anticipate when they need to load more netwrap rolls.
• Heavy-duty components: Handling wet, heavy crops can put added stress on balers. To combat this and maximize durability, Pro G3 balers are built with heavy-duty components like large bearings, shafts, rollers and chains. Having 100-Diamond chain on the left and double-80-Diamond chain on the right gives operators the confidence their baler can handle the crop.
• Versatility: The versatility of G3 Pro balers lets operators decide how they make hay. Bale it wet or dry. Chop the hay with 8, 9, or all 17 knives or don’t chop it at all.
• Hydroflexcontrol floor: The hydroflexcontrol allows the baler floor to flex up and down depending on the size of the windrow in order to minimize blockage in the pickup. If the baler does plug, the operator can clear it by opening the floor hydraulically from the cab to clear the blockage and move the material back into the chamber, getting the operator back to work quickly.